Community is the heart of Campbell Christian schools.
The School Community
Campbell Christian is more than just a place for your child to attend school. We are a community of parents, teachers, students and staff coming together to create the best possible environment in which your children will learn and grow.
There are many ways we regularly come together:
- Our Parent Teacher Fellowship is the foundation program that brings parents and teachers together. Through activities that allow us to get to know each other as well as provide material support for furthering the school's mission.
- Every morning before class, the Elementary School gathers for flag salute. This is a great time to be in community with parents and teachers before the bustle of a busy day. If there are birthdays, the lucky girl or boy has Happy Birthday sung to them by the whole school. After any short announcements, one of the children will end with a prayer.
- On Tuesday mornings, our students gather for chapel, and families are always invited. Each week one of the classes or the chapel team takes the stage to act out a skit relating to a biblical lesson. Tuesdays are always a favorite with children as they get to see their classmates on stage and spend an extra half hour with Mom or Dad.
- Our Family Service Program not only allows parents to give back to the school, but many of the available jobs involve helping out in the classroom or in other ways providing contact time with teachers and students.
- Regular field trips also provide a great opportunity for parents to get to know each other as well as the teachers. Parents act as chaperones and drivers and get to know their child's classmates and other parents.
- Special events at the school such as guest speakers, movie nights, dinners, concerts, and our annual Family Picnic bring the community together.
The Community of God
Campbell Christian Schools are a ministry of the Campbell Church of Christ. School families are invited to engage as much or as little as they want with the church community.