CCS Families, please hit next to continue to the terms and conditions.
Non-Campbell Christian Schools Student - Required Additional Camper Information
Thank you for signing up for CCS Summer Camp! The following forms are required to complete your Summer Camp registration. Your registration is not complete until we receive the paperwork below and the application fee. If we do not receive the application fee or paperwork, your contract will be voided.
- 2025 Student Application & Emergency Contact Information
- Immunization Records
- Latest Report Card
The 2025 Student Application and Emergency Contact Information may be downloaded directly from this form.
Click here to access the 2025 Student Application and Emergency Contact Information.
Once you have completed these forms and have a copy of your student's immunization record and report card, please upload them below. If you need more time, you can save this form and return to it by using the “Save & Return” button.
If you would prefer another option, please contact Katie Dean (kdean@campbellchristian.org or 408-370-4900 x 3125) and let her know you are doing one of the following:
- Bring the forms directly to the CCS school office when you drop off the application fee.
- Email the forms to Katie Dean (kdean@campbellchristian.org)
- Mail the forms to Campbell Christian Schools, 1075 W. Campbell Ave, Campbell, CA 95008 attn: Katie Dean
Terms and Conditions
I understand my obligation to pay the tuition and fees according to the arrangement selected above and to conclude all required payments on or before the last day of school. I understand monthly tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month and considered late after the 10th. There are no refunds. Late payments will incur a late charge of $25.00. A fee of $50.00 will be assessed for any returned checks. A student is subject to immediate dismissal from Campbell Christian Schools or may be kept from participating in certain activities if their tuition account becomes 30 days past due. Reasonable attempts to collect balances due will be made by Campbell Christian School. If these attempts fail, Campbell Christian Schools may abstain from providing student records as listed in the Parent-Student Handbook or if there is an apparent attempt to defraud the school, collection attempts will be handled by appropriate legal means. I agree to carry adequate medical insurance. It is not the responsibility of the school to provide such coverage beyond state required minimums. I further understand that my child must have a physical examination and immunization shots in accordance with state requirements. I understand that assessments will be added to cover damage to school property, including abuse of books caused by my child. I understand there may be other incidental expenses related to school supplies and field trips which may be incurred by the above student. I understand in signing this Enrollment Contract for the coming summer year, I am agreeing to accept the rules and regulations of Campbell Christian Schools as stated in the current Parent-Student Handbook and announcements and as referred to above. Furthermore, it is further agreed that enrollment, as specified within this Enrollment Contract, may be canceled with the understanding that tuition for any given month or camp must be paid in full if the student attends any part of that month or camp. Under no circumstances are application fees refundable. I understand if my child is not picked up by 6:00pm there will be a $25.00 late fee for the first 10 minutes and a $1.00 fee assessed for every minute beyond that time. I hereby authorize and give full consent, without limitations or reservations, to Campbell Christian Schools to publish any photographs or videos in which the above student appears while enrolled in any camp at Campbell Christian Schools. I agree that the use of photographs and videos does not constitute a waiver of Campbell Christian Schools' policies nor does continued use constitute an agreement to continue the student's enrollment. It is and shall be the policy and practice of Campbell Christian Schools, in the admission of students, not to discriminate on the basis of the applicant's race, color, sex, nationality or ethnic origin. For continued enrollment I agree to adhere to and support the rules, values, and goals of Campbell Christian Schools while on campus or while attending school functions, even though I may hold different personal views. I understand and agree to the terms of this contract. Binding Arbitration Agreement: If any dispute arises from the enrollment of, or the application process of, this student, I/we agree that any claim or dispute shall be settled by the biblically-based mediation in Santa Clara County, California. The matter shall be submitted to a panel of three independent and objective arbitrators for binding arbitration. Each party to the agreement shall have the right to select one arbitrator and together the two arbitrators will select the third. If an impasse occurs, The Institute for Christian Conciliation division of Peacemakers Ministries of Billings, Montana, will be asked to provide the name of a qualified person to serve in that capacity. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the "Rules for Christian Conciliation" contained in the Peacemaker Ministries booklet, Guidelines for Christian Conciliation. The parties agree that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of this agreement and waive their right to file a lawsuit against one another in civil court for such disputes, except to enforce a legally binding arbitration decision. Such waiver does not include claims made under the Ralph Civil Rights Act or the Bane Act. Each party, regardless of outcome, agrees to bear the cost of his/her/its own arbitrator and one-half of the fees and cost of the neutral arbitrator, including expenses.